“i’m sorry.”有的时候胜利之后要去面对的反而是不悦,瞳瞳此刻就是这种心情,原本以为自己赶走了苏恩会像是小的时候获得什么奖励一般兴奋,谁知道最后她似乎比自己的父亲还觉得无趣。如果幸福只能这样去争取,靠别人去施舍,那么还有什么意义?
“for what?”joe一边开着车一边看着身边似乎也带着几分伤感的瞳瞳,现在的她瘦小了很多,让人看着心疼,joe试图将自己与苏恩的位置调换过来,他发现他也没办法不放弃。
“you’re sorrowful.”
“like you lose a father , maybe i’ll be sorrowful for a long time.”
“why not catch her?”
“she is right , i owe you too much. since i h**e chosen to be your father , i shouldn’t do nothing for you. at least, you’re so mature, if you h**e a full family , maybe you still a pretty girl.”
“so , dad, do you want to go back with me ?”
“ask your mom, she want or not.”
“if you want, i promise i can persuade her.”
“if so , she would not break up with me.”
“maybe she felt you don’t love her.”
“in fact , there is a long story in our marriage, you mom is a great woman ,remember it.”
“why do you talk this with me ?”
“in one day , you will get it.”joe