【Procaine is a local anesthetic. Its hydrochloride is commonly used in clinic, also known as “novocaine“. White crystalline or crystalline powder, soluble in water. Less toxic than cocaine. Adding trace adrenaline to the injection can prolong the action time. For infiltration anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, “closed therapy“, etc. In addition to the reactions of central nervous system and cardiovascular system caused by overdose, there are occasional allergic reactions. Skin allergy test should be conducted before medication. Its metabolite p-aminobenzoic acid (Medical NOUN:PABA) can weaken the antibacterial efficacy of sulfonamides.(英译:普鲁卡因是局部麻醉药。临床常用其盐酸盐,又称“奴佛卡因“。白色结晶或结晶性粉末,易溶于水。毒性比可卡因低。注 射 液中加入微量肾上腺素,可延长作用时间。用于浸 润麻醉、腰麻、“封闭疗法“等。除用药过量引起中枢神经系统及心血管系统反应外,偶见过敏反应,用药前应作皮肤过敏试验。其代谢产物对